- Guard yourself against The Voice of Satan

(And incite whoever you can among them with your voice) (17:64)

The voice of Satan is a form of thoughts and words that provoke the human’s feelings.


(Secret counsels (conspiracies) are only from Shaitan (Satan), in order that he may cause grief to the believers. And he cannot harm them in the least, except with Allah's permission. And upon Allah let the believers rely.) (58:10)

(That is Satan frightening his allies, therefore do not fear them; but fear you Me, if you are believers.) (3:175)

Satan has a connection to the negative thoughts that come to you in a various situations and, of course, these thoughts generate negative feelings, which is Satan's goal. When a person recalls unpleasant events from the past, he may experience melancholy, whereas fear may be induced by thinking negatively about the future.


(And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, "Indeed, Allah had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you.) (14:22)

(He promises them and fills them with fancies, but there is nothing Satan promises them except delusion.) (4:120)

Satan’s voice may come in the form of deceptive promises. If you believed Satan’s promise to you & worked to achieve what he made you strive for, you will find his promises has been nothing but deceptions.



-Be aware of his existence while he works on you mentally or psychologically. He lurks behind your thoughts, and you must pay attention to him and never forget his existence. You are the one who allows him to affect you with his voice. Whenever you start to feel anxious about the future, remember that it is the work of Satan. You should also direct these feelings to supplicate Allah in fear.

 (they call upon their Lord in fear and in hope) (32:16)


 - Whenever Satan directs your thoughts toward the past and you find yourself starting to feel depressed, you should stop believing these thoughts and put your trust in Allah. Whenever your mind begins to immerse in wishes and dreams, remind yourself that Allah has made the Hereafter (your next & last life) better for you than the first (your present life), and seek solace in your closeness to Allah.


- Seek refuge in Allah, the All-Seeing, All-Hearing. Always recall Allah's blessings and thank your Lord for them.


- Satan has the ability to make his voice sound virtually identical to that of the inner human being, but he cannot deceive the one whose most of his thoughts revolve around the worship of Allah, piety and the Hereafter.


- Expand your knowledge and understanding of the Quran in order to protect yourself from the voice of Satan.

